Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Mission Statement Draft: Soliciting Comments

Hi everyone...
I've set up a static page for the OSUM Non-Trad Club's Mission Statement in the blog's header, and Val has taken the step of drafting said document, which I'm also copying below. We're looking for feedback on the statement so that we can revise/refine/edit/amend/etc. the document so that it's ready for prime-time. Please read it over and comment to this post with any suggestions that you might have.
Non-Traditional Mission Statement [DRAFT]

May 28, 2011

Our goal at The Ohio State University-Marion is to advocate for non-traditional students as they begin and continue to completion their educational goals, through undergraduate, graduate and professional education. Our Non-Traditional Student Organization Is to support and network all needs of our non-traditional students while they are at OSU-M as well as to help them transition to the main campus if that is where there educational goals lead them. Through our Non-Traditional Student Blog and organization we will help our non-traditional students discover and spread their knowledge in life and through education to help our non-traditional student population grow on our campus. We will support each other through the first start of classes here onto the paths of artistic and scholarly endeavours, into research, writing, or agricultural education, as their path becomes clearer, we will help each other along the way.

The non-traditional student at The Ohio State University Marion is welcomed to a campus that is totally accommodating for non-traditional students. The Marion Campus sits upon serene acreage, just shortly remotely off a main highway in the City of Marion. The campus is easily accessible from all contiguous counties. The buildings on campus are situated closely making the walking distance easy between classes in different buildings. The buildings on our campus are newer in architecture design and they are patterned around the campus in a manner that makes a person feel they are in a “small” main campus environment. Our campus is beautifully landscaped keeping a quiet serene atmosphere at times unless there is a volleyball game, corn hole tournament, or other athletic game going on. There are many quiet places for the non-traditional student to study. Our media lab is technically up to date with equipment for any class project. Our media lab manger is always happy to help a student who needs technical assistance.

The Ohio State University, Marion’s staff welcomes all students when they first walk into Maynard Hall seeking financial aid or advising information. After the first hello from any of the staff, the non-traditional student’s apprehension will be eliminated. Our campus is fortunate to have staff that are keenly in-tune with the apprehension of a non-traditional student when there first visit to discuss financial aid information and advising advice. Some of our financial aid and advising staff were non-traditional students on our campus just a short time ago, and there they are living their academic goal at OSU-M.

As our non-traditional students ease into classes again and become familiar with a “student” routine in their lives they will feel comfortable and accepted on our campus. As they seek out their educational goals they can learn valuable advice from our Career Services Office. Our Career Services Coordinator is also keenly in-tune with each student’s conversation with him which will help guide the coordinator in steering the student to learn more about the educational path they are taking towards their career options.

As our non-traditional students attend their classes they will find our professors very accommodating to all students, not more towards traditional students or non-traditional students needs BUT all students needs. Either in educational tutoring, research or one’s life’s bumps in the road, so each and every student that wants to finish their class can do so.

There are many student organizations on our campus the non-traditional student can get involved in that will not only look good on a resume but will give the non-traditional student a feeling of helping or giving back to other students.